Sunday, July 18, 2010

AllMyStats website statistic

Writing and using for many years my own web visitors analyzing programs, I recognized that I will have never enough time to get ist working as I want. Sure I use all necessary Google and Yandex Webmaster tools (nice analyses those provide). Only for a quick over-view to much to click, to get what I need, as brief overview of my vistors origin, and for which information they are looking at my clients web sites, or expect to find on my clients websites.
I where seeking, and testing long several programs, and by the end I found a free program that gives me what I need. Its made by a good French PHP programmer, easy to integrate into your website scripts, and is very informative. It uses MySQL, and ist very fast and real informative.
AllMyStats gives you all what you need to know about your vistors, bots, and used keywords (UTF8 so working with almost all languages, even with the often very complicated different Russian Encodings), and  provides login secured detailed information, as well as a very simply to integrate public monthly statistic overview. Fitting into any web design or page template. (Have a look at
More you can find at whereas the AllMyStats link is to right down on that index page. Give it a trail, its worthwhile, and Herves (the website owner) will surely help you as he did it for me, quick and competent. Try this free website statistic program, and check out his other offers!
I use Herves scripts on all my websites now.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

CrawlProtect 2.0

I did today test the new free CrawlProtect 2.0 scripts on one of my clients websites, like (A website about Bread production products like emulsion and related machineries)!
CrawlProtect is real some awesome working php script.  Nothing to add or modify, and no need to modify your own scripts, CrawlProtect is Website security per excellence. Real nice tool, to protect your web site against offline browser, Hackers, intrusions and any malware placement attempt, I can only recommend it. If you are webmaster, then its a must to have tool securing your website, scripts, and your clients assets. Simple to install, and absolutely preventing hacking,  CrawlProtect is reporting bad bots, and many kinds of website hacking attempts and not only reporting those bad guys, but also shows you WHO and from where was coming the nasty attempt... Try CrawlProtect, its free, and an must to have tool!
Where to find it? try it, its awesome, and free.